Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 - Too Much Dam Fun - Lots of Photos From Tukad Yeh Unda Dam, Klungkung

It's a Hot Day - What Shall We do?

You know how it is. Boys will be boys and what could be more fun on a hot day than to play around in the lusciously cool water flowing over the local dam!

Water Play at Tukad Unda Dam

But this wasn't just random fun we had stumbled across, it revealed to us a community that has turned a dam on the Yeh Unda River, one of Bali's largest rivers, into an eco-tourism attraction, providing income for the nearby village of Paksebali. It was on the route from Mount Agung to our next destination, Ubud.

Kali Unda River

The river has been a vital source of water for people in this region for a long period (probably prehistory) but this dam was built in recent years to enhance the local agriculture, especially the growing of rice. It is referred to as a dam, but we might call it a two-tiered weir.

We knew that we would need to wade through water to get to our photography site, so I figured the venue must be somewhat undeveloped. I had no idea just how sophisticated the villagers had become, in encouraging tourists. The signage above was a clue - it is not in Balinese, but in English and says 'Welcome to Waterfall Unda'.

I did not take this video, it was taken by another member of our group (thank you whoever was the 'with-it' soul who captured the event) and I hope they don't mind me sharing it. 

As you see the water was mid-calf, but harder than the depth of the water, were the rocks underfoot, along with the fairly strong flow of the water.

The main reason I want to post the video, is because it shows the incredible level of support we received from the villagers, to navigate our way safely to a small, rocky island that was smack in the center of the wall of flowing water. In the center of the island was a big beach umbrella!

Let the 'Show' Begin!

If you watched the video to the end, you will see that there is a fairly substantial bridge crossing the river nearby. Because of this, passing photographers spotted the dam and were drawn to it's lovely, even flow and the convenience of the tier providing a nice 'stage'. It is probable, in the beginning, that the cameras were pointed at people washing their laundry, swimming and just playing around - especially the kids, as they splashed, kicked water on each other and used the plastic buckets to swish the water around.

Our 'Director'

As outsiders arrived with their cameras, the villagers recognized that their utilitarian dam had another dimension to it and presented an opportunity to develop the casual play of the kids into an art form, which has become highly organized over time. The gentleman you see above directed the show with a bullhorn, providing the kids with the directions as to what was the next set-up, then counting 'One, Two, Three, Go!' in English, so we all knew when to start clicking!

No doubt this was helped by the development of social media spreading the word and the world of 'Instagram' that pulls people to venues that are effective for great photos.

Jumping With Joy

Initially, the 'choreography' was playing with the effects of moving water around, but not content with that, the 'props department' produced colorful umbrellas and the kids jumped for joy!

Now Let's Add Some Twirl!

I was impressed with the co-ordination and athleticism of the boys. They also did look as if they really were having fun!

Now, Let's Try Banana Leaf Umbrellas!

Being Balinese, it only makes sense for the props department to find a use for banana leaves, which are utilized in many different ways here - I think this must have been a pretty unique way to use them.

Not Sure They'll Keep The Kids Dry!

You can see how very inventive the creators of this 'tableau' were. Using the backdrop of the dam, with some simple props and an abundance of energy and enthusiasm, they had won over our hearts.

Hearts Are a Specialty

In fact, hearts are a specialty, as one group of customers the community draws are people who use it for pre-wedding photos. The couple will pose on the dam, with the kids around them. I found a website that shows a number of these photos in case you want to look.

The prices that are mentioned in the article are about $16 for a group and $2 to $3.25 per person. You just have to get yourself to Bali to access this amazing venue for such a great price. I have no idea what our group paid, but I certainly hope it was shared with all who participated.


They spelled out LOVE for us - very cool! They were proud of their English. The boy that was helping me cross back to dry land was very proud to show how well he could count in English - definitely beyond the count to three that we had been hearing all afternoon. I wondered how this 'job' of theirs fit in with their school day ... oh well, best to just enjoy and not do too much wondering! (Could it be possible that I didn't notice any women or girls in the group either?....)

Finally, The Show Is Over!

I don't believe I have ever experienced a show where the ending is quite so dynamic! Over the edge of the dam they go!


Like I said, it was just too much dam fun! LOL!


  1. So much fun! Thanks - Jeanne

  2. Never mind coordination and athleticism. Love those smiles! M.A.

  3. Delightful to view the photos of the youngsters. It must have been exhilarating to watch in person.

    1. It was one of the highlights of the trip for me - quite unexpected!

  4. Such joy! I love these pics!

  5. I loved this! It was such a fun day for me too!! Vickie
